Selected Publications
An exploration of student learning for sustainability through the WikiRate student engagement project
- 2019, The International Journal of Management Education 17(3) 100313
When situativity meets objectivity in peer production of knowledge the case of the WikiRate platform
- 2018, Data Technologies and Applications 52(1):16-33
Pop-up political advocacy communities on - SandersForPresident and The Donald
- 2017, AI & Society - Special issue on Collective Intelligence – Leveraging Collective Awareness to Understand Companies’ Environmental, Social and Governance Performance
- 2016, Internet Science Conference
A Computational Study of How and Why was an Effective Platform in the Campaign Against SOPA
- 2015, Human Computer Interaction International
Post-archival genomics and the bulk logistics of DNA sequences
- 2015, BioSocieties 11(1)
Distributed Moderation systems - an exploration of their utility and the social implications of their widespread adoption
- 2013 (technically 2014 as I held off on final publication) PhD Thesis, for an Applied Social Statistics program with supervision from Sociology, this was a solid 4/5 years of work as Richard learned to code in R, how online platforms and APIs work, how to maintain a database, etc.
Researching Social News – Is a mouthpiece for the ‘Hive Mind’, or a Collective Intelligence approach to Information Overload?
- 2011, ETHICOMP 2011
How to cook a SNARC- Number placement in text rapidly changes spatial–numerical associations
- 2010, Brain and Cognition 72(3) 333-336