WikiRate - WikiRate is an open data platform which records data about companies' performance across a range of dimensions, with an active community developing their own metrics and ratings alongside data collected from more definitive sources.
PhD work on "distributed moderation" voting systems - For Richard's PhD research he engaged in an in depth study of online community platforms with voting systems, chiefly reddit and Stackoverflow, but it also observed such idiosyncratic failures as "Your Freedom" from the UK's coalition government, and "America Speaking Out" from the US Republican party. Richard's thesis refers to these as "distributed moderation" systems, a term which didn't really take off, probably as the role of the voting system became secondary to human moderators in many cases.
Metacommunities of the Code Sharing Commons - This one year research project focused on GitHub, and Richard was one of two Research Associates to spend this time exploring and cataloging the various uses of GitHub repositories, forks, pull requests, and other engagements.